miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016
Final reflections
Final reflections
This activity has been focused specially on writing, and I would like to say that I’ve loved it. It’s been a great experience where I worked in team, and I could enjoy it very much. I had a great group of work where we didn’t have any problem and could make everything went well, we were all responsible and creative. I really liked to start this activity, when I wrote my first draft I was listening to music and feeling very inspired; I felt like I did it right. Then, as the time passed we kept on working and writing, and I still loved how everything was going on. I’ve always found out that writing by computer is easier than by hand, and this activity confirmed it. I was scared when I knew that we had to make a collaborative writing, each one had to write a paragraph to complete a history; I thought we couldn’t do it well, but we did it! and the final version was great. When I had to revise and other people had to do the same to myself, I was very nervous because I didn’t want to receive too much critics, but everything turned out fine. Finally, I repeat that I loved this experience and I hope to have another one similar soon, hoping to keep on improving my writing and practicing like in this work.
Final reflections
I enjoy very much this process of writing about different kinds of topics and situations. I had never do something like that in other subject, so it was a nice experience. Personally, I like to write, although I don’t have free time to do it as I would like to. I realize that it’s very different writing in paper than in computer. I prefer writing in computer because it’s more easy for me. You can just think about what you want to write, do your pre-writing, and you can start to write in a free, relax way. When you write in a paper, sometimes you made mistakes and it takes time to fix it. The other thing that I like was receiving feedback from my classmates. Sometimes you don’t see the mistakes you made in your own writing, so it’s nice that other person can point that, or tell you that you should say something in a different way, using other words. In addition, I learn a lot of new things and I think is a very good way for learning how to write.
Final reflections

A great invention
How to study for a test

To study for a test it is necessary to consider many factors that may affect yourself at the moment you study. First, you need to be clear on when is your test, so you can prepare everything you need on time, like your books, notebooks, notes and extra materials; try to study at least two days before your evaluation, this way you will learn better and won’t feel under pressure, the time will depend on the quantity of subject-matter. If you have more than one exam in the same week, start studying the most difficult things and end with the easiest ones. The first thing your have to do is eating, have a little healthy snack, so your brain would be ready and have enough energy to save the information. The most important thing when you are going to study is checking the right place, it’s imperative that you choose a room where you can stay in silence, without mad noises, which have a good illumination, so you won’t have problems reading the matter, and where you have enough space, a desk and a comfortable chair to keep all your implements. Now to study you should organize all your stuff, start underlining the most considerable information, excepting details and examples. Then, summarize what you have already underlined in a sheet of paper and begin to study from that. If you repeat the matter at loud voice; it helps to make your brain learn faster. Take a pause of 10 minutes every hour you study, so you won’t feel very tired too fast. Finally, try to not study until late because if your brain doesn’t sleep well it won’t work at the moment of the test. If you follow all this steps and focus on the subject-matter you will get the best grades.
My role model, my sister
My sister isn’t the funniest, the greatest or even the most perfect person in the world, but she sure is all of that to me. My sister is someone I can trust, someone I can relate to and laugh with. She’s my role model, my friend, and in my eyes, the best sister anyone could ever have. I don’t think anyone can understand just how great my relationship with my sister is, and sometimes, I don’t even think she does. We love each other with only a love that a sister can give, and an understanding so great that no words can describe it. Of course I’m not saying that our relationship is perfect, but what I’m saying is, that it is quite different than the way most relationships are carried out.
We interact with each other differently than most people do in certain situations. When we fight, there is no physical contact or abusive language, only the occasional sharp word or glare. We aren't lovey, touchy like some siblings either. We give each other space but at the same time stick to each other like glue. I am grateful for my sister and it makes me love her even more.Of course on the rare occasions that we do fight, one of two things happens: either we leave eachother alone or we try to break the tension in some way. Our fights, which as strange as it sounds, are another reason why I love my sister so much. When our fights are over and we have established the fact that, usually I, have done something in the wrong, we usually stay seated and wait for time to resolve our problems.
But this is not the reason why I love my sister so much, my sister's attitude is something that I adore. She is kind hearted, she is sweet and courteous to everyone she meets, she always says please and thank you, even to the bus driver, and she is always there to lend a helping hand. Her attitude and spirit is always something that I have admired and always something that I have sought to achieve myself. It's not as if I envy her or anything, I am far beyond that. I look upon my sister with something so indescribable and powerful, something so pure and sweet, that my heart bursts with happiness and pride.
The most significant invention ever made
Cell Phones are one of the best inventions so far. They were invented years ago, and still are one of the most used devices nowadays. They have been modified for people needs becoming one of the things that people cannot go out with. The primary intention of the cellphones was allow people to communicate among each other by using this device. They could call their friends, family or loved ones, and at the same time it could be used for other small activities as texting. With all the advances in technology the cellphone become more and more important in people’s lives, and needs too. A diversity of models of cellphones hit the market, among them, we can talk about the smartphones. Smartphones are mobile phones with an advanced mobile operating system. Most of them can access the internet, and have different kinds of apps, where you could find games, facebook, instagram, camera, twitter and all the internet websites that you could imagine working almost exactly as a computer. Nowadays cell phones had become necessary for people, they are useful for the business world, for teachers and students, and for common situations too. It is very difficult to imagine a world, or a day, without our cellphones.
miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016
Walking through the streets the refrigerator saw how other refrigerators looked in the stores and those refrigerators mocked it. The store refrigerators looked bright and beautiful whereas it looked old.
Later, Nick returned to the kitchen and he realized that the refrigerator wasn’t there. He immediately went to look for it and he walked through the same streets that the refrigerator had been. The refrigerator had left a trail of photos. Nick asked to the store refrigerators if they had seen his refrigerator, but they denied it. However a frigobar that was in the store too, told him that it had seen it, so it indicated the direction that the refrigerator had taken. Nick found its refrigerator at the TJ’s scrapyard. The refrigerator was so sad at that place, and Nick explained to the refrigerator that he didn’t think to buy a new refrigerator but a refrigerator’s piece that would do the refrigerator to be in good conditions to do its labor.
Finally the refrigerator and Nick came back to home. Nick put the refrigerator a new handle, so it could work and they were so happy.
The black whole
It seemed to be another boring, ordinary day. Joe was just standing alone in the office trying to make the office printer work, as always, that big, white thing couldn’t spend a day without getting broken just to be repaired with hit, it was pretty easy and monotonous. After that, the machine through a big piece of paper, which only had a huge black hole in the middle. “That’s odd” He thought “Who would want to print an useless piece of black ink?”. He ignored that fact, took the paper and put it carefully on the printer. He just continued checking the printer until he put his cup of coffee on the paper and he got very surprised when he saw how his coffee pass through the sheet of paper! He just discovered a portal!
He was so shocked that he didn’t mind where his coffee went; he couldn’t believe it; he just got his personal portal! Being able to cross through walls, he decided to try it on the vending machine, he put the portal on it and introduce his hand in it, and he got a snicker. Getting free candies was like a dream come true, but he stood and thought “How many things would I get with this Sheet of paper?!” He couldn't handle his excitement, just imagining the possibilities and all the things he will be able to get; he could be millionaire, have a lot of houses, and buy whatever he wants or dreams about. He just stood for a minute while he was looking at a specific room, the place where the strongbox of the company was kept. He opened the door with the black hole and found that goldmine, what a magnificent and spectacular thing! He just got carried by the avarice and took the money, he wanted it all, but when his hand wasn’t able to take more, he was determined to enter into the box to get all the currency.
So, he passed through the portal, but the portal fell down as nobody was holding it. He fell into a state of extremely despair, hopeless, fear, nervousness and suffering. This way Joe started to cry against himself, regretting for being so ambitious and cursing that piece of paper. He got locked in the strong box, he cried because he was unable to opened it or going out of there. Then, the only thing he could do was hold his legs and wait, hoping until somebody set him free, someday… Hopefully before he died of starvation.
Stanley and Chillie
Chillie felt terrible. He was so sad. When he saw that magazine, he immediately thought that Stanley was going to get rid of him. He decided to leave the house, full of pain and sorrow. He left the house, and started to walk by the sidewalk. A few shops were in the street with new refrigerators in the showcase. When Chillie saw them, they started laughing at him. He was so ashamed. When Stanley arrived home, he immediately saw that Chillie wasn’t there and a horrible feeling of despair got him. He yell, loud, and felt on the floor.
Meanwhile, Chillie was walking down the street when suddenly a couple of old refrigerators scared him, so he started to run fast, but he didn’t notice that all the pictures of Stanley and him, that were fastened in his door, fell in the street while he was running. The good part on this little accident was that Stanley, who was looking for Chillie on the same street, got to see the pictures in the floor and started follow them, because they were in the floor like a mystery clue. After an hour of searching for Chillie, Stanley finally found him on a landfill. Chillie was surprised to see Stanley there, thinking that he was already with another brand new refrigerator instead of him, but Stanley asked him why he had gone, to what Chillie pointed the magazine of new refrigerators as an answer. Stanley finally understood why Chillie had left, and showed him the real reason because he left the house after the handle drop. Stanley was going to buy a new handle for Chillie, not a new refrigerator. Chillie was pleasantly surprised. Stanley put the new handle in Chillie’s door and it was right. They both looked at each other and smiled. Chillie felt really sorry for doubting about Stanley, so he hug him really tied. They were going to be together for years, no matter how old Chillie were.
Ollie the octopus was so in love with his girlfriend Olivia. One day, they were just looking at each other, and hugging so happy until a fisherman captured Olivia. Ollie started to freaked because his lover wasn’t with him anymore: She was in danger. Through the aquarium Ollie looked how the fishermAn was leaving with Olive from the fish shop. He already imagined the worst, that Olive was going to be cooked.
So he jumped off the aquarium and he hung the vehicle to save his lover. When he was trying to take Olive out the box, the fisherman caught him red handed. He was so surprised that he shouted and started to hit the octopus. Ollie didn’t give up and started to fight with the fisherman. The vehicle began to lose control but Olive put the handbrake, so they flew out the vehicle and the fisherman went chasing them. But he couldn’t, because Olive and Ollie jumped off a wall, but they fell into a swimming pool, and they began to jump from pool to pool while the fisherman followed them down the street. The fisherman finally captured them and the vehicle went out of control, so the octopus had another chance to fight with the man. When they were finally released, the fisherman took the control of the vehicle, but it was too late because he fell into the ocean.
Finally when the octopus thought they were free, a seagull capture Ollie, but Olive started to become angry and as she was on a string, she took impulse and hit the seagull, and they could be united and happy forever.
Finally when the octopus thought they were free, a seagull capture Ollie, but Olive started to become angry and as she was on a string, she took impulse and hit the seagull, and they could be united and happy forever.
Mary and Mike: a fluffly trouble
Mary and Mike have always been a happy couple, they have been 2 years together since they got married, but since Mike bought rabbits as pets they have had problems. All those problems can be summarized in this fact: Mike started paying more attention to rabbits than her own wife. Mary never thought that her life would change with the acquisition of rabbits. At the beginning Mary liked those rabbits, but when they got the main attention of Mike everything changed. Mike thought in his rabbits all the time, even he couldn’t work well; the activities that they did at his work and at home weren’t done very well, in fact, it looked like he was hypnotized.
It was a little strange, because he spent all day with those tiny animals, he feed them, wash them and pet them; he bought them the best and most expensive food, the greatest soap and they go together to almost everywhere. She found out that was strange, he even treated them like kids! And talk with that small creatures. Even, once he called her: “My sweety bunny” It was cute, but it screwed her to the max!
To stop that situation she decided to talk to him to resolve everything, Mary was very kind and calm, but suddenly she started yelled at him because she was so jealous that she said some bad words, like: “Oh my god, I just can’t believe that those stupid stinky rabbits are more important for you than I am, You are just stupid brainless beast.”.
Mary felt guilty after all, and regretted about bad things she said about rabbits, because that caused all the fights she had with Mike,and set up something big that wasn’t necessary. She didn’t want to lose her husband, she was so in love with him, and she felt sorry for the situation, and finally accepted that she was wrong. So, she didn’t have another option than accept them. Mike felt so happy when she finally accepted the rabbits, but Mary was sad because she only took the decision to stop fighting with him, she didn’t do it wholeheartedly.
After all the discussion about whether or not Mike should keep the rabbits, Mary started to think that she was being a little unfair with him. She had accepted them in the house but she only did it because she didn’t want to fight with Mike anymore, but a few days passed and she started to over think her decision. She was in love with him and she wanted to be there for him, truly, so she decided that she will honestly try to like the rabbits.
After all the discussion about whether or not Mike should keep the rabbits, Mary started to think that she was being a little unfair with him. She had accepted them in the house but she only did it because she didn’t want to fight with Mike anymore, but a few days passed and she started to over think her decision. She was in love with him and she wanted to be there for him, truly, so she decided that she will honestly try to like the rabbits.
That day she came back earlier from work, Mike hadn’t arrived yet, so she took a shower, put on some comfy clothes and decided that she will feed the animals. Now that she was looking at them, she didn’t understand why she felt jealous. They were just animals, after all, and yes, they were many and she didn’t like the smell but it wasn’t the end of the world. She fed them, and after they finished, she picked the little brown rabbit that seemed to be Mike’s favorite. The rabbit looked at her directly in the eyes, and she smiled. It was a tiny creature, very cute. She didn’t like animals when she was a little girl because her mother never wanted to had a pet in the house, but now she understood why Mike wanted to have them. They were always alone in the house, and they were not ready to have kids yet, but it was a nice feeling having to take care of someone, in this case, of a lot but she realized that they were a little family. In that moment, Mike arrived and looked surprise when he saw her with the little rabbit, but then when he saw his wife expression, he knew what she felt so he gave her a big hug and kissed her forehead. She finally had accepted it, from the heart.
miércoles, 6 de enero de 2016
Sunset at the beach
Going to the beach in summer to enjoy the landscape is perfect. I have gone to the beach several times, and I really enjoyed it because nature give me one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world, especially when the sunset comes. The sun brights through the clouds, and the sky has a colour very especial, between orange, red, and yellow. Also the rays of the sun reach the sea, and that makes that the rays reflect in it. The ocean looks beautiful, and the sand, with its peculiar grey colour, calls me to rest on it and just enjoying the landscape, besides as an opportunity to remember the most beautiful memories I have had there. Not only I can enjoy the view but also both the silence and the noise that the rocks and the sea make when they hit each other, and how the waves sound when they are formed, or how the sound of the wind sounds in all the beach. I have really enjoyed the times that I have gone to the beach, and I think everyone should test this beautiful experience.
A special place
One day, during the afternoon I decided to go to the most special place I could ever stay in my life, when I arrived I sat on the grass, and saw how the sun shined all above the sky and earth while it was setting down through the trees. I was under an extremely feeling of calm and peace, I dreamt it could last forever, but suddenly I felt sorrow because I wished I were not alone, but I knew he was not here, there, or nowhere. Then, I changed my mind and did nothing but appreciate the beautiful sky, such like a rainbow. I saw a mixture of purple, blue, and cyan among the clouds. The leaves of the trees were some sort of orange and red and the grass had a mixture of brown and a few green; everything was reflected in the flowing river. It all shown that the fall had just come to the country. So curious, that place instead of being the image of dead, it made me feel alive. I promise, the next time I met someone special, I will take him here.
The magic of London
London is a beautiful, popular, and big city, known for its art, culture, commerce, fashion, and enigmatic places. It is the capital city of England, United Kingdom. One of the most famous places in the city is the Big Ben. The Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster. In the picture there is the Big Ben along with the famous London Busses. The tower that we see in the picture, is officially known as Elizabeth Tower. It holds a chiming clock, one of the largest in the world, and has become one of the symbols of the United Kingdom. The double-decker busses are very famous worldwide because you can only find them in London so they became an international icon of the city. The buses always have poster or series movies on them, as the picture shows, the posters are used to promote films and the buses are part of this international marketing. The streets of the city are clean, and the red lines are really clear in the picture, showing that people can’t park there, however, there aren’t a lot of cars. The sky is clean, and we can see a few clouds, showing that it’s a sunny and fresh day.
A beautiful afternoon in the park
There is a beautiful park, where there are a lot of people, some animals, some flowers, and some trees. We can also see a fountain on the right of the scene. There are sixteen people wearing colorful clothes. Two children are riding their bikes leaving the park, one bike is orange and the other one is red. The first child is wearing a green t-shirt and the second one a purple top. Then, above the picture we can see two teenagers eating sandwiches and looking at each other. They’re wearing summer clothes, their names are Gabriel and Irene. Irene is wearing a red skirt and a red and yellow t-shirt, she’s also wearing red shoes. Gabriel is wearing a striped white and red t-shirt, red trainers, a blue cap, and blue trousers. Besides them, there is a boy called Jonathan who is throwing rocks and bothering other people. Very near is Amelia, a girl in green trousers and sweater is taking pictures of the deer and the natural landscape. In the right is Oscar, a man with a yellow sweater and blue jeans is drinking water from the fountain. Some children are picking flowers with their grandma whose name is Carmela. She’s wearing a purple coat and a red handbag. She’s short curly red hair. There is also a boy called Daniel who is throwing away rubbish and a helpful man called Benjamin, who is picking up the rubbish and putting it in a big bag. Finally, there’s a guy named victor wearing blue jeans, red shoes, and a striped white and blue t-shirt throwing things to the poor deer.
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